Monday, September 30, 2019

Describe and Evaluate the Evolutionary Theory of Food Preferences

Describe and evaluate the evolutionary theory of food preferences According to an evolutionary approach current human behaviour can be understood in terms of how it may have been adaptive in our ancestral past. Evolutionary theorists are concerned with behaviour which is adaptive and having survival value, these researchers look for ultimate explanations. Current behaviours may be maladaptive and dysfunctional but can be understood as having been adaptive and functional in some way.To undertake this type of analysis they draw on the theory of natural selection and suggest that all species including humans, evolve through a process of natural selection and that only those characteristics that confer advantage or at least do not confer disadvantage survive as the species evolve. This is an interactionist approach, as an individual’s genetic predisposition is assumed to interact with their environment. In terms of eating behaviour, an evolutionary psychologist is interested in th e following questions: â€Å"Are there innate preferences for certain foods? †, â€Å"How would these preferences have been adaptive in the past? and â€Å"How do these preferences function now? † Early research by Davis investigated the eating behaviour of infants and young children. Davis observed the kinds of choice children living in a paediatric unit made in relation to their diet. Based on her data, Davis concluded that young children have an innate, regulatory mechanism and are able to select a healthy diet. However she emphasized that they could only do this if healthy food was available and suggested that the children’s food preferences changed over time and ere modified by experience. Subsequent research has provided further support for some form of innate regulatory mechanisms.For example, there is consistent evidence that newborn babies demonstrate innate food preferences. Using facial expressions and sucking behaviour as an index of preference, bab ies have been shown to prefer sweet tasting substances and to reject bitter tastes. There is also some evidence for an innate preference for salt, based on animal research, although this has been controversial together, these studies suggest that some food preferences are innate. Beauchamp and Moran (1982) reported however that six month old babies who were accustomed to drinking sweetened water drank more sweetened water than those babies who were not.So although innate food preferences may exist, these may be modified very quickly by learning and familiarity. Our early human ancestors lived in hunter-gatherer communities in which the men were responsible for hunting and the women were responsible for gathering. Their diets consisted mainly of fruits, berries, vegetables and some meat. Our innate food preferences can be explained in different forms. An innate preference for sweet foods would have encouraged people to eat fruit with its natural fructose content. Sweet foods in natur e provide important calories which are needed for energy.Natural avoidance of bitter foods would have helped to protect people from eating food that was poisonous. This would also have been helped by neophobia. A preference for salt is less easy to explain, although we do know that salt is essential for the sodium balance in our bodies. Sheep manage their sodium levels by licking naturally occurring minerals that contain salt because grass has very low sodium content. Human beings on the other hand have very little need for additional salt, particularly if they eat meat.The innate preference for salt may therefore have originally functioned by encouraging people to eat meat. In our ancestral past the main challenge facing people would have been avoiding malnutrition by eating enough food to support a physically active lifestyle. Our innate food preferences may have helped us to survive. However for much of the modern world, food is no longer scarce and our lives are no longer as phy sically active. Nowadays a preference for sweet foods may no longer encourage a person to eat berries, but rather to eat highly calorific, energy-dense foods, such as chocolate bars.Furthermore a preference for salty foods may facilitate the consumption of high-fat foods flavoured with salt, such as chips and processed foods. An evolutionary explanation for obesity has been put forward based on biological preferences for foods which cause overeating and problems with weight in our modern world, which has been called an â€Å"obesongenic environment†. There are many factors in our environment, such as fast food outlets and cars, which encourage an unhealthy lifestyle and may contribute to higher levels of obesity.Like biological explanations, evolutionary explanations of eating might be regarded as an oversimplification by suggesting that adaptiveness is the single, guiding principle. Such explanations are also determinists as they propose that eating behaviour is determined b y past environments, thereby overlooking the notion of free will and the fact that human behaviour is affected by many other factors such as thought, emotions and social factors. Evolutionary drives are moderated and modified by social drives. Evolutionary approaches can explain innate food preferences that were important for our ancestor’s survival.An innate preference for sweet foods may lead us to consume energy-dense foods, such as chocolate bars, which are longer needed in the current obesogenic environment of the Western world, and can help to explain the recent upsurge in obesity. Innate preferences for food can be used to demonstrate the wisdom of the body, the existence of biological drives and also the importance of the environment. It is also difficult to measure eating behaviour accurately in a research context. The central concept of adaptiveness can be applied to many behaviours, including eating and is difficult to demonstrate empirically or disapprove.This mea ns that we have no means of establishing the validity of the explanation. A strength of evolutionary explanations is that they consider ultimate causes and so may lead to more valid ways of treating seemingly maladaptive behaviours by taking account of their adaptive significance and not merely focusing on the proximate problem. Evolutionary explanations appear to suggest that we are no longer adapting to changing environmental conditions. Some scientists believe that humans are continuing to evolve both physically and psychological and are doing so at a faster rate that any other close species.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Obesity in African American Culture Essay

?Obesity has more that just a physical effect on the body. Obesity also greatly affects the mental and emotional part of the body as well. Although you cannot directly correlate metal and emotional health to obesity, you can see that its effects do in fact play a role in the mental and emotional health of an obese person. While the effects of obesity do indeed reach out to all races, it is easy to see that mental and emotional problems from obesity in the African American culture are present in the culture. Depression, anxiety, and discrimination, are all results that are caused by obesity in the African American community. Many people are familiar with depression, whether it be a friend or family member that went through it or that they themselves went though it. â€Å"Depression is a state of low mood and aversion to activity that can have a negative effect on a person’s thoughts, behavior, feelings, world view and physical well-being† (Salmans 1997). African American obesity has a close tie with depression in African American people. When people are self-conscious about their weight they may think that people look down on them for this. This would cause them to think less of themselves or believe that others are better then them. In turn it can cause the obese African American to have a bad view of themselves, other people, and the world in general. This is exactly what depression is. You can see that depression can be caused by obesity in the African American culture. Anxiety is another emotional distress many people are familiar with. Anxiety is know as, â€Å"the displeasing feeling of fear and concern† (Davison 2008). Many people have felt the effects of anxiety in their own lives, whether it is before an important test, a speech in front of many people, or the big gam; many people feel anxiety. Looking only at anxiety caused by obesity in African American people is a different situation. Anxiety or nervousness before a big event is common and in many ways healthy because it motivates us to do the very best we can. Anxiety in African Americans because of obesity is not healthy; in fact it can be dangerous and destructive. By feeling displeased and concerned about their weight African Americans can struggle all through out life to over come these feelings. It could limit their goals and overall make them settle for less then they really can do. Anxiety do to obesity in the African American community is not a healthy and can severely constrain someone’s life. Discrimination in the African American community has always been a problem through out history. Slavery is a very obvious product of discrimination. Taking a more specific look at discrimination of the African American community because of obesity is a different situation. When people discriminate African Americans because of their weight it seriously prohibits their chances of succeeding in life. It could be in the work place or at school. By placing these barriers we are limiting the ability of the African American community and hurting their chances of having a successful and meaningful life. These mental and emotional effects of obesity in the African American community are unfair and wrong. People should not be judged on their weight. Davison, Gerald C. (2008). Abnormal Psychology. Toronto: Veronica Visentin. p. 154. ISBN 978-0-470-84072-6. Salmans, Sandra (1997). Depression: Questions You Have – Answers You Need. People’s Medical Society. ISBN 978-1-882606-14-6.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

2. List and describe the four types of healing Essay

2. List and describe the four types of healing - Essay Example Healers are gifted sense of the â€Å"sacred world† and have ties with spiritual force. Generally speaking, healing is less expensive than physicians. There are four types of healing that are vital towards rehabilitation and recuperation. The four basic types of healing consist of: forgiveness, inner healing of memories, physical healing, and breaking strongholds. Forgiveness is one of the most vital aspects that enable individuals to ponder deeply in thought about their actions. Forgiveness is part of inner healing since the cause of suffering is a personal sin. The main antidote for forgiveness is not only repentance but to understand that all humans sin. The second most basic type of healing consists of inner healing. Inner healing consists of realizing that humans are not control of all aspects of life. Inner healing is vital as it enables an individual to reach inner peace within themselves without always thinking about atoning for their sins. Inner healing consists of understanding an issue and admitting that you as a person tried your best to achieve your goal. Life is filled with obstacles and trials that will continue to challenge individuals. When a personal suffers from emotional illness, inner healing is utilized. The main foundation of the problem of is the fact that humans are unconscious about not forgiving. This holistic approach should aim to heal a person’s memory. Conducive holistic health directory offers a variety of holistic  healing therapies. Some individuals have always been victims of physical, social, and emotional abuse. The inner healing process is complicated and very sensitive as it strives to re store the emotional health of the person. The third type of healing is physical healing. Physical healing also include inner healing power, support from peers. However, physical healing can also mean having proper nutrition, taking healthy supplements, and any other

Friday, September 27, 2019

(Book Review) Social policy and practice in Canada Essay

(Book Review) Social policy and practice in Canada - Essay Example This book is truly the first of its kind in regards to this subject matter that has been able to provide an insightful and critical perspective on the entire evolutionary process of social policy in the country. Furthermore, Alvin Finkel proves himself as being an extraordinary author, as he divulges into issues that have never been discussed - or even thought of, in some cases - before. In order to be able to understand this book better, the entire work must be thoroughly examined and discussed, and by doing this we will not only be able to gain a more informed and understanding viewpoint on the literary work itself, but as well on the author and on what his purpose was for writing this book. This is what will be dissertated in the following. Social Policy and Practice is a book which starts off by giving a historical point of view in regards to the history of the social policies that have taken place within Canada, and one of the first issues in particular that he discusses is that of how "Canada's constitutional development reflects the history of Canada itself, its maturation into a self-governing democracy, and the steady advent of new ideas and conditions" (22). It is pointed out that the Constitution has changed considerably over the years and that this has made a strong impact on the country of Canada overall, and that these changes have greatly influenced the different social policies and practices that have come about. Finkel then begins to discuss the actual history of constitutional antecedents, and he makes particular note of the fact that Canada's political and constitutional development actually did not begin with the arrival of the first European settlers, contrary to the majority of the world's beliefs, but rather "Formal constitutional development in Canada began with the Edict creating the Sovereign Council of Quebec in 1663, whereby the French established New France as a royal province and made provision for civil government" (26). He continues for several chapters discussing the actual origin of Canada and the onset of the most basic and most intermediate social policies and practices of the countries, and uses analogies and comparisons between Canada and other industrialized countries in order to show the striking and significant differences that exist here. We can see from this alone that Canada is a country which is really in crisis in this regards, as there are a number of large and imperative issues that are facing the country as a whole. Finkel makes very clear in the very beginning of the book the fact of how important and dire it is to have proper and efficient social policies and practices in any country, and that however there are more problems in this regards with Canada than basically any other industrialized nations. He then begins on the issue of the current social policy review process in Canada, and he states that there is a setting for this current debate on the social policies in Canada which truly parallels that of most other industrialized countries in the world, and that "Common features include a secular growth slowdown topped by a recession in the early 1990s, an aging population requiring higher transfer and health-care expenditures, rising needs and costs associated with the increasing prevalence of the single-parent family, and

Thursday, September 26, 2019

The main ways to promote Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The main ways to promote - Term Paper Example The lack of adequate product promotion can fail any business whether big or small. Hence, it is highly necessary to disseminate the product to the largest segment; if a business intends to attract large numbers of customers. The underlying key factor to any business’s success remains centered on having a good promotion. There are many ways to promote a product in Qatar, but the most effective ways include advertising, personal selling, discounts and special offers. This paper discusses the main ways to promote a product and which ways better to apply promotion in Qatar. However good the product, it is highly unlikely to sell itself, which is why a good promotion becomes necessary; to ensure a company markets its products efficiently to its customers. Effective ways to promote a product successfully in a competitive market include the following: Media promotions may involve using radio, television, newspapers, magazines, posters and billboards, or handing out leaflets in the street or homes. Small agro-processors find the use of television and newspapers as unrealistic options, but following several market types of research other approaches seem viable. A majority of businesses utilize the radio approach by using a number of rural radio stations to promote their products. This approach not only promotes products to a wider segment of consumers, but it also offers the possibility of relatively low-cost advertising. The other alternative that has proven effective in promoting a product a product using commercials on televisions involves the out-of-home TV viewing (Stafford, 2005). Most people hate commercials, so they tend to change channels when commercials come up; that is why home-TV viewing cannot effectively suit as a way of promoting a company’s products. However, people tend to find it interesting watching comme rcials when on the move for example in buses, in shops,

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Criminal Law Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Criminal Law - Coursework Example The first point of homicide is murder. The actus reus of mens rea was provided by Sir Edward Coke in the seventeenth century whereby he stated that the act is committed if the defendant ‘unlawfully killeth any reasonable creature in rerum natura under the Queen’s peace’. The definition of unlawfully does not include the killing of for example the use of reasonable force for self defence (Re a (Children)1. Clearly it can be seen that due to the substance overdose the child had died and therefore this is unlawful. As far as killeth is concerned that refers to the requirement that the acts of the defendant can be attributed to be a legal cause of death. Clearly the acts/omission of Thomas to inform his wife of the correct proportion had led to the death of the child. As far as killing of the reasonable creature in rerum natura is concerned it means that a human life is taken. Clearly this is satisfied as the child has died. Finally Queen’s peace means that it must have been within England and not the killing of an enemy at war. This can be seen to have been proved on the facts, as the child died in England.. Therefore on the facts the actus reus of murder has been satisfied. Intention discussed in Woollin and applied by Matthwes and Alleyne3 was described as defendants aim or purpose was to kill or cause grievous bodily harm or he know of such harm as being a virtually certain consequence of such an act, and any level below that of virtual certainty would not suffice. On the facts it is more than evident that Thomas clearly did not possess the intention nor was he virtually certain as the consequence. Thus it is quite clear that the mens rea for murder is not satisfied. As far as voluntary manslaughter is concerned it is not relevant to the facts at hand as there was neither provocation or was there any diminished responsibility. Thus voluntary manslaughter in respect of the facts will not be argued. The next step is that of

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Terminal Objectives Program Philosophy in Managed Care Essay

Terminal Objectives Program Philosophy in Managed Care - Essay Example George Halvorson and George Isham, MD wrote an interesting piece describing this imperative need for managed care. Mr. Halvorson, to his credit, has two basic steps worthy of following, which will help what is now seen as an ailing health care system. Those two steps are creating overall care flow charts assigning accountability for each step in the care process and also devising a system supporting improved medical care in relation to each step in this process. The fact that managing health care has to keep pace with the changes in health care itself must be addressed. This must be addressed in the fact that in order to manage health care risks we must have a link between systematic improvement for care and payment for that care. The work managed in the courses pursued would bring a realization that is mirrored in the writings of Halvorson and Isham in that; one thing that must be done is the re-engineering of health care systems. The reason, integration, a method that integrates all the elements of health care into a manageable formula must be considered in order to be of benefit to health care and to the patients which it serves. Today's system hampers the most effective methods of health care delivery at all levels.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Ethics and Asylum Seekers in Australia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Ethics and Asylum Seekers in Australia - Essay Example The majority of the refugees ended up in the two Pacific Island nations which the Australian government hurriedly organized. Australian immigration official stated that at the time, there was an influx of illegal boat arrivals which pushed the federal parliamentary government of Australia to come up with the â€Å"Pacific Solution Policy† in February of 2001. Australia’s immigration department stated that in February 2002 there were 356 asylum seekers from Iraq mostly, whose status was being processed in the island of Manos in Papua New Guinea, and there were 1,159 refugees in Nauru which overall total is 1,500 asylum seekers. These Islands were happy to take these refugees in an exchange with the financial aid coming from Australia. Though there has been no official report on the figures it has been reported that the president of Nauru Rene Harris negotiated a $15m for the accommodation of more than 1000 asylum seekers (BBC Q&A, 2002). â€Å"In the harshest border pol icy in the Westernized world, the Australian Navy was then deployed to intercept asylum-seekers at sea. The government also excised Australia's offshore islands from its immigration zone in order to deprive boat people of the right to claim asylum†( Marks, 2007). Where do we draw the line on helping the unfortunate? What should be the guiding rule on welcoming and accepting people running for refuge in our more fortunate land? What are the human rights of an individual? The United Nations declaration of human rights proclaims the right: 1.) To life, to freedom from subjection, to torture, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, or to slavery, servitude or forced labor.2.To liberty and security of the person. 3.) To a fair trial. 4.) To freedom from retroactive criminal law or punishments. 5.) With respect to private and family life, home, and correspondence. 6.) To freedom of thought.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Glo Fish Case Essay Example for Free

Glo Fish Case Essay The GloFish was the first genetically modified animal to become available as a pet. It is a natural Zebrafish which has had genetic information from bioluminescent jellyfish added to its DNA. It was originally produced to provide a warning system for pollution but with the addition of further colors its viability for the pet market became clear. It was introduced to the US market in December 2003 by Yorktown Technologies of Austin, Texas. 9 Grapple The grapple is a relatively new fruit which is a genetic cross between an apple and a grape. The fruit combines the size of the apple with the texture of an grape and the flavor of both parent fruits. The grapple was originally designed to provide a much higher vitamin-c dose per fruit for third world aid. The majority of the funding for the fruit came from UNICEF. 8 Graisin The graisin [giant raisin] is a variety of raisin which has been modified to grow to enormous proportions. The graisin was produced by the National Institute of Genetics in Japan due to the Japanese love of large fruit and the recent popularity of western foods such as raisins. The texture and taste is identical to that of its genetically normal parent and it is served raw or thinly sliced in a stir fry. 7 Rubber Cork Tree Cork trees have long been used for producing cork-stoppers for wine though some wine producers have also begun using plastic corks. Wine enthusiasts have not taken to the rubber corks and so, in order to appease the traditionalists and the cost-cutting wine makers, SABIC innovative plastics have developed a tree which is a cross between a rubber tree and a cork tree. The corks taken from the bark of this new tree look like real cork and have the same porous qualities, but has the permanence and flavorlessness of rubber. Ghislain de Mongolfier, current manager and great grandson of the founder of champagne producer Bollinger, said: â€Å"This new cork is the greatest thing to happen to wine since the invention of bubbles†. 6 Umbuku Lizard This creature is the only one on the list which was not designed for a practical reason, but merely to prove that it could be done. Genetic Engineers in Zimbabwe (formerly Rhodesia) managed to unlock a dormant â€Å"flying† strand in the DNA of the Umbuku lizard, a very small and rare lizard native to Africa. It is believed that the lizard is a descendent of the Pterodactyl, which lost its ability to fly some millions of years ago. To date only 6 of these flying Umbuku have been produced and they are kept seperate from the natural Umbuku due the risk of cross breeding. 5 Paper Tree The paper tree has been developed to reduce production costs and loss of tree life in the paper manufacturing industry. The recent explosion in popularity of recycled paper products lead a Swiss based company to develop a tree which grows square leaves that, when dried, are already usable as writing paper. In the image above we see a company employee holding a dried leaf beside the trunk of one of the many Paper Trees now grown by the company. 4 Dolion This is probably the most remarkable example of how far science is able to go with modern DNA and cross fertilization techniques; the dolion is a cross between a lion and a dog. In order to produce this incredible rare animal (only 3 dolions exist in laboratories – the photo above is of Rex, the first ever produced), individual strands of DNA from each creature must be combined and re-inserted in to a host egg. This is similar to theliger (lion/tiger crossbreed) with the exception that the liger is able to be produced without prior manipulation of the DNA of either breed of animal. 3 Tiny Piney The Tiny Piney is a miniature pine tree which is a mere 2cm tall when fully grown. It was originally developed to provide a fast growing source for pine-tree smell to be used in the fragrance industry but in very little time its usefulness in other areas became obvious. This tiny pine tree is now hugely popular as an edible plant in Papua New Guinea where it is dipped in a batter made from coconut milk and shellac beetle shells and deep fried. The Tiny Piney (official trademark) has a very subtle pine flavor which is enhanced by the coconut milk. The Tiny Piney is usually eaten as a dessert. 2 Fern Spider The fern spider is unique on this list as it is the only combined plant and animal. At the time of writing this is the only animal that has successfully been crossed with a plant. The spider is a cross between a common Italian Wolf spider (Lycosa tarantula) and the ponga fern (Cyathea dealbata). The purpose of this bizarre crossbreed was to study the survival rates of spiders with built in camouflage versus those without in a series of studies on Natural Selection at Massey University in New Zealand. The results of the study have not been published yet. 1 Lemurat With the growing wealth of China, many rich Chinese women are seeking alternative and exotic pets to show off their money. This has lead to a number of Chinese medical and scientific research companies to compete for this new income source by producing cross breed animals. The most successful (financially) so far has been the Lemur Cat. It is (as the name suggests) a cross between a lemur and a cat. It retains the soft fur of the cat and the coloring, but has the striped tail and yellow eyes commonly found on a lemur. It is more ferocious than the average cat but it is generally no more dangerous than a Chihuahua dog. The scientific name for this new breed is Prolos Fira. This is not an exhaustive list of genetically engineered animals like bovine with massive growth and milk or the alergy free cats and super salmons. Here are probably best examples of how far bio-science can go with DNA technology and genetic re-engineering. The fundamental unit to control different properties of an organism are millions of genes in its DNA. And it is possible to isolate every single gene. Thus any biological property that exists in any living thing in any living world could be brought into any other living thing even of any other world. 1. GloFish Source The GloFish is a patented brand of genetically modified (GM) fluorescent zebrafish with bright red, green, and orange fluorescent color. The original zebrafish from which the GloFish was developed measures three centimeters long and has gold and dark blue stripes. In 1999, Dr. Zhiyuan Gong and his colleagues at the National University of Singapore were working with a gene called green fluorescent protein (GFP), originally extracted from a jellyfish, that naturally produced bright green bioluminescence. They inserted the gene into a zebrafish embryo, allowing it to integrate into the zebrafish’s genome, which caused the fish to be brightly fluorescent under both natural white light and ultraviolet light. Their goal was to develop a fish that could detect pollution by selectively fluorescing in the presence of environmental toxins. It is the first genetically modified animal to become publicly available as a pet. 2. Vacanti Mouse Source The Vacanti mouse was a laboratory mouse that had what looked like a human ear grown on its back. The â€Å"ear† was actually an ear-shaped cartilage structure grown by seeding cow cartilage cells into a biodegradable ear-shaped mold. The earmouse, as it became known as, was created by Dr. Charles Vacanti, at the University of Massachusetts in 1995. Created to demonstrate a method of fabricating cartilage structures for transplantation into human patients, a resorbable polyester fabric was infiltrated with bovine cartilage cells and implanted under the skin of a hairless mouse. The mouse itself was a commonly used strain of immunocompromised mouse, preventing a transplant rejection 3. Sudden-Death Mosquito Source Oxitec which is a British bio-tech company, has created genetically modified mosquitoes, which are programmed for sudden, early death. Oxitec’s technology is a variation of a proven process called â€Å"sterile insect technique† It involves irradiating male insects, causing mutations that make them sterile. When released into the wild, they mate with females passing on lethal genes which either kills the female or at least kills the youngs in her so then she fails to reproduce . Scientists at this British bio tech company said they have evidence that their genetically modified mosquitoes can by this way for sure control the spread of dengue fever. 4. Dolly the Sheep Source Not so cool or disturbing enough but dolly would hit this list for sure since she was the first ever cloned animal which means that she was produced from a single microscopic cell from a single parent (who hadn’t mated of-course). Cloning techniques might be used widely now in some part of worlds for food but dolly remains remarkable in being the first mammal to be cloned from an adult somatic cell, using the process of nuclear transfer. Normally off-springs are a result of interaction of sex cells but in case of dolly’s birth, sex cells weren’t involved. She was cloned by Ian Wilmut, Keith Campbell and colleagues at the Roslin Institute near Edinburgh in Scotland. She was born on 5 July 1996 and she lived until the age of six. She has been called â€Å"the world’s most famous sheep† by sources including BBC News and Scientific American. To good, dolly was fertile and produced 6 lambs in total. She died in 2003, living about half as long as a typica l sheep. She developed a lung disease common in older sheep. 5. See-Through Frog Source Dissecting animals for science has sparked controversies worldwide, even prompting some companies to create computer simulations as cruelty-free alternatives. For high school students everywhere, this revealing amphibian may be a cut above regular frogs. That’s because the see-through frog does not require dissection to see its organs, blood vessels, and eggs. You can see through the skin how organs grow, how cancer starts and develops. It’s a miracle of genetic engineering and surely a cool mutant gift to students. 6. Jake the Alligator Man Source Jake the Alligator Man is a half-man, half-alligator on display in apparently mummified condition at Marsh’s Free Museum, a tourist trap in Long Beach, Washington. He was discovered in Florida swamp in 1993. He was reported for his escape from captivity, killing of a Miami man, and giving birth. Residents fled the region’s beaches in fear of terrifying monsters lurking the sand dunes. Scientists are controversial about this creature. Some say its a missing link and some say it might be a distant ancestor of man. However some later theories claimed that it was an early secret genetically engineering project gone wrong and wild. Whatever Jake’s true origin be but he surely is a mutant. 7. Ruppy Source Ruppy (short for Ruby Puppy) is a cloned beagle from South Korea who glows red under ultraviolet light. Ruppy was created in 2009 by a group of scientists in South Korea, led by Byeong-Chun Lee. The dog was cloned using viral transfection of fibroblasts cells with a protein that expresses the red fluorescent gene. 8. Land Mines Detecting Plants Source Developed by Copenhagen firm Aresa Biodetection, these genetically modified plants can be handy when it comes to saving the world. Whenever flowers hit nitrogen dioxide (which leaches into the soil from buried land mines), the plant changes color to red. 9. Fuel Excreting Genetically Modified Bugs This isn’t made up nor it’s sci-fi, a researcher at silicon valley has found genetically modified bugs which eat agricultural waste and excrete diesel fuel. [via TimesOnline] 10. Enviropig Source A genetically engineered pig approved for limited production which produces 65 percent less phosphorous in animal waste thus very environmental friendly Enviro-Pig Already created the Enviro-Pig has been genetically engineered with edited DNA from a pig and genetic material from mice. The result is the Enviro-Pig, a pig that is able to break down phosphorus. Normally within a normal pigs biology phosphorus cant be broken down and it comes out in their feces. The feces is used as fertilizer for crops and eventually most of it runs off into streams and rivers. This is where the problems begin as the phosphorus drastically increases algae blooms and destroys habitats for fish. This is why the Enviro-Pig was engineered as very little phosphorus comes out in its feces. Although there is a great ethical and moral dilemma surrounding the creation of animals that dont exist I do think that within a controlled environment that the Enviro-Pig is one that people should consider breeding on a larger scale. There are currently talks to allow the Enviro-Pigs meat to be sold in supermarkets. Despite the picture Ive included (mostly for a laugh) consider that the enviro-Pig doesnt look much different than a normal pig and its meat would have all of the same nutrients and nutritional value as shown in extensive testing of the animal. COWS (with human genes) More recently in 2011 Chinese scientist have been breeding cows genetically engineered with genes from human beings to produce milk that would be the same as human breast milk. Would I support this? I must admit I am not quite sure as we are now mixing human with animal, I suppose where that line is ends is a little blurry on that one. GOATS (that produce silk in their milk?) As unusual as it is this is a reality. A company called Biosteel has genetically engineered goats to produce milk with strong spider web like silk proteins in their milk. These particles are used by the company to make bulletproof vests and anti-ballistic missile systems for military contracts. Glow in the dark pigs Source: Glow in the dark pigs PIGS (that glow in the dark!) In 2006 in Taiwan scientists used genetic material from a jelly fish and implanted it into pig embyros. The result? Pigs that glow bright green in the dark! During the daylight hours these pigs have a tinge of green on their skin, snout and teeth but as soon as night comes they are light very fat fireflies trotting around their pigpen. The pigs whole body including its internal organs and heart glow green. The Taiwan scientists have said that the pigs were created for stem cell research, but why do you need glowing pigs for that? It can be noted that south korean scientists have also created a florescent glowing red dog called Ruppy, which is short for Ruby Puppy. Apes (with human genes) Japanese scientists have implanted human genes into marmosets and are currently using the monkeys to work on a cure for huntingtons disease and strokes in humans. Again is it good to be putting human genetics into animals? Im not sure, as said earlier there has to be a line somewhere, but where? It should also be noted that for a very long time scientists have been replacing the genes in mice (known as knockout mice) to perform these types of tests for cancer, parkinsons and other such diseases.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

E-Business Essay Example for Free

E-Business Essay Supply chain management is a battery of procedures that involve planning, executing and organizing the operations of a supply chain (Haag et al. , 2006). Such cluster of procedures covers all activities of the GAP, including management of raw materials, inventory and final products at both the point-of-origin and point-of-consumption. Supply chain management requires the modification of management from a direct individual-based level of performance to an indirect marketing or integration of operations as key processes in the supply chain. One simple example involves the placement of purchase orders by the purchasing department of the company. This is then coupled by the communication of the marketing department with particular distributors and retailers. Such efforts in integrating several processes in order to maximize and speed up a general process may result in an extremely efficient company. The integration of the financing technology and supplier outreach services facilitates reduction in capital requirements and finance costs associated with the clients (Kemp, 2006). The reduction in requirements and costs is attained through indirect and full cyber marketing, which permits retailers and suppliers to register with the website and interactive with the supply chain system. Such technological innovation of doing e-business helps them track down the payments of any transactions completed or still in progress (Timmers, 2000). In addition, suppliers and buyers are able to work in partnership to settle the final price and this is usually done through the receipt of credit memoranda. Such setting facilitates a faster process of trading. The integration of operations enhances the relationship between the supplier and the buyer, regardless of employment, gender and physical backgrounds.

Friday, September 20, 2019

2D and 3D Games

2D and 3D Games Difference Between 2D and 3D Games: Introduction: The first concept we should know that what 2D is and what is 3D means. 2D means 2dimension, here everything happens in a 2D plane. Like if we draw any picture on a paper then we can see that only from a single perspective, what kind of perspective we follow to draw that picture. For 2D surface the picture would be flat, without depth. To draw a 2D picture we use matte painting also. Like that in 2D games we can see the whole game from a single perspective whatever we follow to make it. And 3D means 3 dimensions, means here we can add depth in a picture. In 3D games we can see the character from different perspective. Here the pictures have depth and shadow which makes the picture real and it looks like something happens in front of our eye in real life. About 2D games: 2D games are also called Platform game. The word platform also describes that something held on a platform. Here the player can run, jump, shoot, collect powers on a platform. It is a video game genre; 2D games are become very old. But some developers still like to play 2D games to get the innovative idea, because we learn everything from past. Thats why they wants to play 2D games to make their game more interesting and get idea to give some new feature in their game. Mostly the characters of 2D games are cartoonish and unrealistic. We cant give a realistic feel in our 2D character. But in 3D it is possible because of depth. By using depth we can make a character which would look like a real. Mostly platform games are based on some levels, if the player can kill all enemies or cross a certain part which heshe has to cross (like-Mario) then only the player can move to the next level. In next level may be there would be more enemies which the player has to kill. As per my knowledge the era of platform games started in the early 1980s and the 3D games started in mid of 1990. There is some confusion that which is the first 2D games. Frogs is an arcade game which released in 1978, this is the first game where the character can jump on the screen, making the genres earliest ancestor. Space Panic, which is also arcade game and released in 1980, is sometimes credited as the first platform game. Donkey Kong is an arcade game created by Nintendo and released in July 1981, was the first game that allowed players to jump over elements which are there and across gaps, making it the first true platformer. There are some versions of Donkey Kong. The next version of Donkey Kong is Donkey Kong Jr. which is also become a famous game. Donkey Kong introduces Mario. The third version of Donkey Kong was not become so famous but it succeeds by Mario Bros, which is a platform game and it has an extra feature of multiplayer, where two players can play simultaneously. By using the same rule in future many gaming companies made multiplayer games. Pitfall is a video game released by Activision in 1982 for Atari 2600. Then 16 bit computer had introduced and it brought evolution to this genre, this time Saga introduced Mega Drive which is forth generation video game console. This console had introduced in Japan in 1988 and 1990 in Europe. It was released in 1989 in North America under the name of â€Å"Genesis†. This was Sagas most successful console. It competes with TurboGafx-16 which was released one year earlier in Japan under the name of PC Engine.One more console had introduced in this time that was Super Nintendo Entertainment System Entertainment System which is also called Super NES. It is also a 16 Bit video game consol which released by Nintendo in 1990. This consol had released in many countries like North America, Europe, Australia, and South America in between 1990 to1993. In Japan and Southeast Asia this system is known as Super Family Computer and in South Korea this system is known as Super Comboy which Distributed by Hyundai Electronics. Both systems were built for 16-bit computers and offered improved graphics and sound over the 8-bit NES. After Super NES released the Super Mario World released for this consol. To compete with Sonic the Hedgehog Saga released Sonic the Hedgehog which is platform game developed by Sonic Team and published by Saga for Mega Drive system. It was the first game developed by Sonic Team. Sonic Team is originally known as Saga AM8 which is a Japanese computer and video game developer and established in Ota, Tokyo, Japan in1990. Sonic include a feature of large field that scrolled effortlessly in all direction as well as manners of curve hill and a complex physics system that allows player to rush through its level with well placed jumps and rolls. It gives a massive hit, was a successful pack-in new system. At the end of 16 Bit era some games were released like Yoshis Island and Donkey Kong Country. Then new kind of hardware was released and it takes players attention, so the attention was totally shifted away from traditional 2D genre. About 3D games: The term 3D platformer referred that featured gameplay in three dimension area and polygonal 3D graphics. Games which have 3D gameplay but 2D graphics is comes under in Isomertic Games. On the other hand those games that have 2D gameplay in 3D graphics are called 2.5D that means these games are between 2D and 3D. In 3D we can implement depth to an object which gives it a real look. In 3D games the characters are look like real character which exists in real world, we can see the facial expression in characters face. In 3D games there are some missions, where the players completes one mission then heshe go to the next level and next mission would be more tougher than the previous mission. In 3D games multiplayer is mostly played by the players because they want to play together to beat one another or they make a group to beat other group and communicate with one another. After the era of 2D games, gaming companies first tried to make a platform game with 3D game and 2D graphics and isometric perspective. These games are also very old as the genre itself. The first game which have 3D perspective and moving camera came around in the mid 80s. Trailblazer was released for various computer in 1986, used a simple linescroll effect to create a forward scrolling 2.5D (also called pseudo-3D games) play field where players manipulated a bouncing ball to leap over obstacles and pitfalls. In 1987, Squaresoft released 3D World Runner, which is a forward scrolling action game, here in this game the player has to leap over obstacles and chasms. In 1990, an Estonian developer called Bluemoon released Kosmonaut which is a forward-scrolling driving/action game similar to Trailblazer, which consisted almost entirely of difficult platform-jumping obstacle courses. While the gameplay took place in three dimensions, and the graphics were polygonal it is considered pseudo-3D because it used a fixed viewpoint. Alpha waves which is a French computer game is to be found as the earliest example of a true 3D platformer, which is created by Christophe de Dinechin and published by Inforgrames in 1990 for the Atari ST, Amiga and PC. 3D games give the character a smooth movement, the camera angles would be from different point of view. A small developer called Exact released a game for the X68000 computer called Geograph Seal in 1994. This game was fully 3D polygonal first person shooter hybrid with platform jumping component. Players piloted a frog that could jump, then double jump, and triple jump high into the air, as the camera is also moved to show players jump and landing. In addition to shooting, jumping on enemies was a primary feature of attack. This was the first 3D platform game that released in Japan, but it never ported to another platform and not released outside of Japan. The following year, Exact released their follow-up to Geograph Seal for Sonys new PlayStation console. Jumping Flash!, released in April 1995, this game is generally regarded as a direct continuation of the gameplay concepts in Geograph Seal, which was likewise a mix of first-person shooting and platforming, with similar controls and camera-work. Here the frog was more cartoonish than the previous one its like a rabbit which is call ed â€Å"Robbit†. In this game the level design had an even greater focus on platform gaming, it was released in Europe and North America. It was titled as first 3D consol game. A Saga Saturn game Bug! Was released in 1995, it offered a more conservative approach to true 3D platforming. In this game players could move in all directions, but it did not allow movement along more than one axis at once — the player could move left to right, or forward and backward, but not diagonally left and backward at the same time. This game was very similar to 2D games but considered as true 3D games. This game had an extra feature that the player could climb on wall and ceiling, which was a great success. 2D platformer game In 1995 Fade to Black was released by Delphine Software which was a sequel of their popular 2D platformer game Flashback, it was the first attempt to bring a popular 2D platform game series into 3D. It had puzzle-oriented level design style and step-based control. It dose not follow the criteria of platform game and it came under action adventure game. It used true 3D characters and other objects. But its environment were created using rigid engine which was similar to Wolffenstein 3D in that it could only render square flat corridors. Sony, Saga and Nintendo were under great deal of pressure to release mascot platformer before 1996 holiday season. Sony choose an existing project by developers Naughty Dog, which was a small developer at the time who released the Way of the Warrior recently. Then Crash Bandicoot beat Nintendos new console to market in North America and it was released in the time for the holiday in Japan. Before switching to multiplatform releases in the following con sole generation crash would remain Sonys unofficial mascot for the next several years. Then Saga had tasked their American studio, STI, with bringing Sonic the Hedgehog into 3D. The project was titled as Sonic Xtream, it was to feature a radically different approach for the series with Fisheye camera and multidirectional gameplay like Bug! 3D games give the player a great area of play field than 2D platform games. Final Fantasy VII was a major breakthrough in RPG first person shooter which is still so popular game. Tomb Rider was one of the best selling game on the PlayStation in gaming industry. Sixteen generation era was the best system selling era. By the time Saga had produced 3D Sonic games Sonic Adventure on its new Dreamcast console. It used to play smoothly the games like Mario 64 with some extra feature, mostly it emphasis on speed. Then Nintendo launched GameCube console without releasing any platform game for it, but in 2002 Nintendo released Super Mario Sunshine that was the second 3D Mario game. Because of low numbers of level, and its level design was not so good so it was failed to make a good marketing. Platform game is a vital genre but it was failure to capture the popularity and market that they held once in 1998. In 1998 platform games had 15% of share of market but within four year it comes down in 2% while the RPG and first person shooter have continued the grow and popularity. Similarity In 2D and 3D games: Goal: There are some similarities in 2D and 3D games like both the game have some goal that player has to finish that then only heshe can move to the next level or mission or win the game. Control: In both the games the character has the ability to move forward, backward, jump, shoot to kill their enemies. It depends on the game, which game we are playing. If it is an intelligent based game then the controls would be different. Console: Both the games are made for some console for 3D there are some extra consoles are there. Playstation 2, playstation 3 are the consoles for 3D games. Replay Ability: In both kind of game another main similarities is replay ability. We can play several times. Like if we loose one level then we can play it again to win that level and move to the next level. Difference between 2D and 3D games: Character: The major difference between 2D and 3D games are their characters. In 2D games the characters are like cartoonish, they dont look like a real one. But in 3D characters sometimes they also look like cartoonish but due to depth the characters look like real. In 3D characters we can show the emotion in characters face. The characters take position when heshe shoot hisher enemy. Interaction: We can see the 2D character from only one perspective view may it be from side view, top view or players eye view (here the camera is placed behind the character). We cant implement all of these in a 2D game. But in 3D games we can see the player from different point of view in a game. We can move the camera in 3d games in three directions-sideway, up and down. Some of the games like Warcraft 2, Fifa here we use isometric point of view. This angle is not comes under 2D nor 3D. In isometric view the camera angle would be some fixed angel from where the characters look like 3D character. But these are not 3D games. Graphics: And another major difference is graphics, in 2D computer graphics are digital images. There are two types of graphics one is Raster graphics and another one is Vector graphics. Raster graphics or bitmap are composing by array of pixel, here each pixel has different color or shade. They are editing by changing color array by array. These are used to make mobile phone games, very old computer games. Vector graphics are composed with path, here path are use to establishing mathematical relationship between points within the image. In photographic images vector graphics are mainly used. 3D computer graphics are use to represent the 3D geometrical data. Then these datas are manipulated by the computer via 3D computer graphics software to customize their display, movement, and other appearance. Sometimes we use some 3D model which is a mathematical representation of geometric data that is contained in a data file. In 3D character we can implement light, shadows by using some software like-3ds Max, Autodesk Maya etc. by using these softwares we can make some character and then we can implement those characters in our games. Background: In 2D games we use a simple picture or some matte painting image for background, but in 3D games we use skybox that is the surrounding world. Skybox is a box which covered by some image which we can make by collage work in Adobe Photoshop. But there is a condition that in that image both edges should be similar. I mean it should be snapped together edge-to-edge. Then only we can feel the real world, if any difference is shown in that image then we cant see the proper output which we want. Then we have to import that image in Autodesk Maya or any 3D modeling software. So we should be very careful when we work on skybox. Level Design: Level design is based on games that which type of game it is. Before implementing we should be very clear that how many players are in the game, how many levels we are going to create. First we have to know that what we are going to make a 2D game or a 3D game. Because here realism do some matters. In 2D games it doesnt matters too much but in 3D games it gives a biggest difference. In 3D games we have to give a close attention on Texturing, lighting, and all the other things would be in three dimension. System Requirement: To run a 2D game the system requirement is not a big factor. It takes hardly 512 Mb RAM, without graphics card we can play 2D games in our system. It does not make difference too much in gameplay. We can play some 3D games also in this configuration. But some games are made with high graphics for that we need at least 1 GB RAM and if we use graphics card also with this configuration then the game would be more smooth and we can see the texture and the other things which used in the game would be visible clearly. Game Engine: Game engine is a kind of library, in library we can read books, if forget about the topic which studied then we can read it again. That means we can reuse the source. Like that game engine is a library of core function which we use in game. Game engines are as usually related to graphic, networking, input and other system. This is not a part of gameplay but it is a non specific part of game. By using this engine we can make several games. In most of the game engine we can play 2D and 3D games both. Key Control: In 2D games we use around 5-7 keys to control the whole game, hardly we take 10keys. This many key controls are enough for a 2D game. Sometimes we use mouse and some keys to control a game, and sometimes we use only mouse to control a 2D game (e.g.-Duck Hunt). But to control 3D game it takes around 15-20 keys and mouse to control the whole game. In a mission based fighting game like Delta Force we choose primary weapon, secondary weapon, bombs, grenades, binocular, map and many other options are there. Believability: 2D games do not give a real feel. We play 2D game just for fun. Mostly children love to play 2D games, because these kinds of games are easier for them and they enjoy it. 3D games are looks real which I already discussed, it feels like the player itself in the battle ground. The surrounding world gives that feel. There are some simulation games which are so original. Mostly this kind of games made for soldiers to give them training by playing games. In Simulation games the controls are exactly same which exist in the real thing. Like if a player drive an aero plane then the controls and the activities are be exactly there which exist in real aero plane. The enemies would come they also try to crash players plane. If the plane crash then the player would feel vibration, which gives the reality of that game. Market of 2D games: The market of 2D game becomes very low because nobody wants to play this kind of game. When 2D games first released it was so popular, gaming companies got million dollars as profit by selling 2D games. Because 2D games were new things for people, so they tried this to accept the challenge. But now these kinds of games are become very old. This is the era of 3D games; most of the gaming companies who made 2D games are now making 3D games because of market demand. Now people become fading up by playing 2D games, they want something more. 3D games give them a different feel to the players. So people love 3D games and it has a great market. Companies do not want to make any 2D games because of its down market, but also we make 2D games. To learn about making 2D games gaming colleges first learn about 2D games, thats why 2D games are still producing in the market. Online play option: We play online games which are called MMO that is Massive Multiplayer Online games. When we play online games nobody wants to play 2d games, they want to play 3D games. Online playing game is a genre of role playing computer games with a large number of players interact with one another in a virtual gaming world. Like when we play Counter Strike in online then we make two teams and fight with opposite team. First we choose one character, called Avatar then we start playing. In game we can commend to my mates to cover me, plant bomb and more other commends. Future Development: All gaming companies do not want to make 2D games, they are concentrating on producing 3D games. Whatever games they released they wants to improve them and make a new version of that game. People do not like to play 2D games but still 2D games are producing because in gaming institute first they teach us how we can make a 2D game. It is the basic idea of making game; they start with 2D games and then learn about 3D games. In future gaming companies try to make 3D games by adding some extra feature. May be they introduce some new console for playing game. Conclusion: Whatever difference between 2D and 3D games, players do not care on it. Whatever game we play, we play just for entertainment. We just want some relaxation after doing lot of work, so we play game. We play games sometimes to learn something. By playing 2D games children learn so many things. Like color, shape, fruit name, flower name etc. by playing that kind of game which give them knowledge about these things. Bibliography: D_Games_And_2D_Games.html id=1634425 id=iX3oWHNf9hMCpg=PA209lpg=PA209dq=difference+between+2d+and+3 d+gamessource=blots=jdvcEWDJDmsig=KA0WKC9fGQaqMMmJ_Adeyl6q wMYhl=enei=9OFiSqoexoCRBd_jlfoPsa=Xoi=book_resultct=resultresnu m=7 Word doc goes here, ignore any pictures that are in them

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Marcus Garvey :: Essays Papers

Marcus Garvey Historians familiar with Garvey's career generally regard him as the preeminent symbol of the insurgent wave of black nationalism that developed in the period following World War I. Although born in Jamaica, Garvey achieved his greatest success in the United States. He did so despite the criticism of many African-American leaders and the covert opposition of the United States Department of Justice and its Bureau of Investigation (forerunner of the FBI). As a young man, Garvey had preached accommodation and disavowed political protest, advocating loyalty to the established colonial government. His views, however, underwent a radical transformation shortly after he arrived in the United States in 1916. The emergence of the radical New Negro movement, which supplied the cultural and political matrix of the celebrated Harlem Renaissance, to a large extent paralleled Garvey and his post-World War I "African Redemption" movement. Garvey established the first American branch of the UNIA in 1917--1918 in the midst of the mass migration of blacks from the Caribbean and the American South to cities of the North. It was also a time of political awakening in Africa and the Caribbean, to which Garvey vigorously encouraged the export of his movement. In the era of global black awakening following World War I, Garvey emerged as the best known, the most controversial, and, for many, the most attractive of a new generation of New Negro leaders. Representative Charles B. Rangel of New York has noted that "Garvey was one of the first to say that instead of blackness being a stigma, it should be a source of pride" (New York Times, 5 April 1987). Black expectations aroused by participation in World War I were dashed by the racial violence of the wartime and postwar years, and the disappointment evident in many black communities throughout the U.S., Africa, and the Caribbean allowed Garvey to draw dozens of local leaders to his side. Their ideas were not always strictly compatible with Garvey's, but their sympathy with his themes of "African redemption" and black self-support was instrumental in gathering support for the movement from a vast cross-section of African-American society. Similarly, Garvey's message was adopted by a broad cross-section of educated and semi-literate Africans and West Indians hungry for alternatives to white rule and oppression. The post--World War I years were thus a time when a growing number of Africans and West Indians were ready for change. In most colonial territories, Africans, like African Americans, were disappointed when expected postwar changes failed to materialize. Marcus Garvey :: Essays Papers Marcus Garvey Historians familiar with Garvey's career generally regard him as the preeminent symbol of the insurgent wave of black nationalism that developed in the period following World War I. Although born in Jamaica, Garvey achieved his greatest success in the United States. He did so despite the criticism of many African-American leaders and the covert opposition of the United States Department of Justice and its Bureau of Investigation (forerunner of the FBI). As a young man, Garvey had preached accommodation and disavowed political protest, advocating loyalty to the established colonial government. His views, however, underwent a radical transformation shortly after he arrived in the United States in 1916. The emergence of the radical New Negro movement, which supplied the cultural and political matrix of the celebrated Harlem Renaissance, to a large extent paralleled Garvey and his post-World War I "African Redemption" movement. Garvey established the first American branch of the UNIA in 1917--1918 in the midst of the mass migration of blacks from the Caribbean and the American South to cities of the North. It was also a time of political awakening in Africa and the Caribbean, to which Garvey vigorously encouraged the export of his movement. In the era of global black awakening following World War I, Garvey emerged as the best known, the most controversial, and, for many, the most attractive of a new generation of New Negro leaders. Representative Charles B. Rangel of New York has noted that "Garvey was one of the first to say that instead of blackness being a stigma, it should be a source of pride" (New York Times, 5 April 1987). Black expectations aroused by participation in World War I were dashed by the racial violence of the wartime and postwar years, and the disappointment evident in many black communities throughout the U.S., Africa, and the Caribbean allowed Garvey to draw dozens of local leaders to his side. Their ideas were not always strictly compatible with Garvey's, but their sympathy with his themes of "African redemption" and black self-support was instrumental in gathering support for the movement from a vast cross-section of African-American society. Similarly, Garvey's message was adopted by a broad cross-section of educated and semi-literate Africans and West Indians hungry for alternatives to white rule and oppression. The post--World War I years were thus a time when a growing number of Africans and West Indians were ready for change. In most colonial territories, Africans, like African Americans, were disappointed when expected postwar changes failed to materialize.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Technology †The Last Great Frontier :: Exploratory Essays Research Papers

Technology – The Last Great Frontier Introduction The technological frontier marks one of the last chapters in the development of American society. We have survived the cultivation of land, ranging from the first exploration of Christopher Columbus to the last expeditions of Buffalo Bill and the Wild West. Now, as there is no longer any land to explore, we must focus our attention on the rapidly increasing technological age. Without a doubt technology has blazed a pathway to a new and unmapped educational frontier. This frontier is pioneered by a completely new academic system: distance learning. The "distance learning" frontier features education of students from outside the traditional classroom setting through the use of technology. For example, quizzes are taken online, classes are taught over televisions, and degrees are earned on the Internet. Although this new and unexplored path has vastly expanded our academic horizons, just like the West expanded our country, we must not travel into the frontier without nurturing it first. In order to fully utilize technology we must cultivate the technology frontier in order to tame its communicational dangers. Background Just as the West promised to satisfy the needs and dreams of the American people in the nineteenth century, technology promises to satisfy our educational goals in the twenty-first century. The introduction of the Internet in the 1980’s served as the first pioneer to the technological frontier. Never before in history had academic information been so readily available at the click of a button. This new system of learning sparked excitement and interest in the minds of students and faculty members because it provided a potentially better way of learning. At first glance, the technological frontier creates an illusion of a quick and convenient educational system; however, this is not totally true. The technology frontier is still a new and unmapped territory, and there have not been an abundance of studies or writings that explain its possible benefits or dangers. Chris Piotrowski and Stephen Vodanovich, pioneers in the expansion of technological based learning, conducted a synthesis of the available research in the field. Their procedure for identifying relevant studies was to conduct a series of searches on educational databases. The results showed that "investigations about technological based instruction have not been supported by the extent of literature" (3). The conductors of this experiment claim that successful ways to incorporate technology into education have not been carefully examined or researched. Technology – The Last Great Frontier :: Exploratory Essays Research Papers Technology – The Last Great Frontier Introduction The technological frontier marks one of the last chapters in the development of American society. We have survived the cultivation of land, ranging from the first exploration of Christopher Columbus to the last expeditions of Buffalo Bill and the Wild West. Now, as there is no longer any land to explore, we must focus our attention on the rapidly increasing technological age. Without a doubt technology has blazed a pathway to a new and unmapped educational frontier. This frontier is pioneered by a completely new academic system: distance learning. The "distance learning" frontier features education of students from outside the traditional classroom setting through the use of technology. For example, quizzes are taken online, classes are taught over televisions, and degrees are earned on the Internet. Although this new and unexplored path has vastly expanded our academic horizons, just like the West expanded our country, we must not travel into the frontier without nurturing it first. In order to fully utilize technology we must cultivate the technology frontier in order to tame its communicational dangers. Background Just as the West promised to satisfy the needs and dreams of the American people in the nineteenth century, technology promises to satisfy our educational goals in the twenty-first century. The introduction of the Internet in the 1980’s served as the first pioneer to the technological frontier. Never before in history had academic information been so readily available at the click of a button. This new system of learning sparked excitement and interest in the minds of students and faculty members because it provided a potentially better way of learning. At first glance, the technological frontier creates an illusion of a quick and convenient educational system; however, this is not totally true. The technology frontier is still a new and unmapped territory, and there have not been an abundance of studies or writings that explain its possible benefits or dangers. Chris Piotrowski and Stephen Vodanovich, pioneers in the expansion of technological based learning, conducted a synthesis of the available research in the field. Their procedure for identifying relevant studies was to conduct a series of searches on educational databases. The results showed that "investigations about technological based instruction have not been supported by the extent of literature" (3). The conductors of this experiment claim that successful ways to incorporate technology into education have not been carefully examined or researched.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019


Abortion is the termination of a pregnancy. If a woman falls pregnant and does not wish to go through with the pregnancy then she might choose to have an abortion. Abortion is a moral issue which people have many different feelings towards. Some people say it is okay to abort a baby but other individuals are strongly against it and consider abortions as murder. Sometimes people are against it because they believe it is wrong but some are against it because of their religion, their background and the way they were brought up.People who are for abortions may have experienced one previously and think it is okay in certain circumstances. They may also know of a friend or relative who has had an abortion and realised that it was for the best. In this essay I will be discussing the arguments for and against abortion. Some people are against abortion because they think women use it as a type of contraception and use the service far too often. They believe women should be more careful and us e contraception methods that are easily available to them rather than taking the abortion service for granted.This means that women can decide if they are ready for a child and stop using the contraception. This gives women a sense of control within their bodies. Taking the abortion service for granted if wrong and unfair on the women who are physically unable to have children for certain medical reasons. Some women who are unable to have children, and will adopt in the future if they wish to have a child, think it is very unfair that many women are aborting their babies simply because they decided they don’t want it.Abortions were made legal so women had the right to choose weather they want to have a child or not. Women can choose what happens with their body. Hinduism is generally against abortion apart from when the mothers life is at risk. Traditional Hinduism and many modern Hindus also see abortion as going against the duty of them to produce children in order to conti nue the family and produce new members of society. However, the Church of England encourages people to think through the issue of abortion very carefully and ecognises that each individual will have different views of abortion. They understand that under some circumstances abortion is considered as ‘ok’. Some of the reasons for abortion is that nearly all abortions take place in the first stages of pregnancy, when a foetus cannot exist without the mother. As it is attached by the placenta and umbilical cord, its health is completely dependant on the mothers health, and cannot be regarded as a separate person as it cannot exist outside her womb.Another reason is that teenagers who become mothers have grim prospects for the future. They are much more likely to leave school; receive inadequate parental care; rely on public assistance to raise a child; develop health problems; or end up divorced. If a teenager was to fall pregnant then a good option for them would be aborti on. It would not be fair to bring a child into this world if the mother would be unable to support a family.I am for abortions, I think they are very suitable if the person has a good enough reason. I also definitely agree with abortion when it comes to rape. I think that if a woman is raped she should have the option to destroy the child. I understand that this would be very hard to determine, but I think it would be the best way to handle the situation. A woman has the right to do what she wants with her body and should be able to choose weather or not she wants a baby, therefore I am for abortion. . Abortion Abortion has been a topic of discussion by women for ages, and still there is not an answer. Women of all ages, background status, economic status, race, religion or any other reason we can come up with about abortion – has been in the past, is today and will be in the future – choices will be decided, some after much advice and counseling. Yet before the final decision, usually there are questions that are asked ‘what if', or doubts of ‘but', and other excuses. Abortion is an issue that the United States has decided to take a pro-choice position and defend women's rights by supporting her decision whether aborting or not. This is not a pro-life and pro-abortion issue, it is a pro-life and pro-choice problem. Abortion has been a source of considerable controversy throughout human history. It involves removal of the embryo from the uterus before it can reach viability. An abortion can be induced through surgery or medicine, or can occur accidentally. Colloquially, abortion refers to an induced end to pregnancy, while an accidental end is termed ‘miscarriage'. Also, abortion is not an assassination since a fetus depends on its mother for its first three months, and abortions primarily occur in the first two weeks and usually, never after the 3rd month. Women for generations have been taught that abortion is a sin because they have committed murder since they had pre-marital sex, got pregnant, and that God was punishing them. God does not allow us to suffer, rather it is us and society who condemns. â€Å"You see, God is larger than our confined spaces and limited views. He sees situations from the vantage point of what he can do for those who will turn to him. This is God's Heart: ‘The Lord is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger, and rich in love. The Lord is good to all; he has compassion on all he has made†. When we research the topic, women have given several reasons for their choices. In my family, one of my great-grandmothers made a choice to have a child before she was married, placed the child with one of her aunts rather than aborting her pregnancy. After marriage she aborted a fetus, this was after she had given birth to several children, for her own personal reasons just as many women do. After researching the topic on abortion, I found other women who made the same choices: â€Å"Abortions will let me ‘undo' my unplanned pregnancy; my baby might have problems; adoption is not an alternative to abortion; adoption will let me see my baby grow up; I can help a family who can't have kids; adoption is an alternative to abortion†. Sometimes people are disgusted with abortions because they cut the baby up, vacuum him, or other gory methods, but there are other ways to abort, including the ‘morning-after pill,' the partial-birth abortion, and the saline amniocentesis. A Preferred Women's Health Center is allowing women information about their program and what they offer (Abortion Pill – the No Surgery Option) at four sites in GA and NC who states: â€Å"We also offer expedited care; we have expanded services to meet your needs; what to expect when you arrive; how does it work†. They also say that they offer services tailored to the patient not to their circumstances. Each patient will be given viable information, examined and counseled by professionals, and they are equipped with up to date equipment for their patients. Counselors are on staff to make sure the patient understand their rights, and what is expected of both the staff and patients. Before abortions was legalized, women ran into emergency rooms, with severe injuries such as perforations of the uterus, retained placentas, severe bleeding, cervical wounds, spreading infections, poisoning, shock, and gangrene. Women now have other means of having abortions rather than going to illegal houses, abandoned buildings, clinics who do not use sterilized equipment or have clean areas, all these patients need to do is some research to find clinics. Women lives are in danger when they contact these individuals (who perform illegal abortions in unclean rooms), clinics where these abortions are performed without qualified providers and unsafe conditions, no one will see them after the procedure to ensure that they are not having medical issues (life or death). Even if abortion became illegal, it would still occur, and this time illegally, causing that the 68,000 women that die each year from unsafe, non-medical abortions increases. Sometimes people believe that abortions are a ‘luxury' for high social and economic classes, yet this is not true. Around 56 million abortions are performed each year in the world, with about 45% done unsafely. Abortion rates changed little between 2003 and 2008, before which they decreased for at least two decades as access to family planning and birth control increased. Since the early 1970s abortion prices have incredibly decreased and, depending upon the week in which you abort, the prices are even lower. Statistics show that 57% of the women who aborted in the year 2000 were women with a low-income. It is also ridiculous that people believe that this might be the annihilation of human life. But then aren't fertilized eggs in vitro also human lives? These routinely were thrown away. Is this murder? If it is not, then how is abortion murder? Abortion is a safe process if it is done in a clinic, with correct treatment and utensils. If experts do not do it, it might result in terrible injuries and a probable loss of fertility or loss of life for the women. There has always been death associated with abortions legal and illegal. Women have been known to have fetuses to mortify in their bodies because of complications. If abortions were legalized in the entire world, the 68,000 women who die each year of illegal abortions would surely diminish to its half, or even less considering that 54 countries in the world prohibit abortions of any kind. If a female is raped; if a woman feel that she can't care for a child; your life is in danger (life or death situation); your child may a medical problem, be it physical or mental, what would you do? Women have a choice, put yourself in their place, would you want to have a child from any of the situations stated? Then, as a parent ask yourself this question; do you want your child to have a baby by someone at an early age, especially from a family member (incest), physical or mental defect? Would you be willing to assist your child without blaming them for the birth of this child? If I was the parent I would not let my child go through this pain at an early age. I know that killing an innocent human being is wrong, even if that human being has yet to be born, but always remember you have a choice in life but make sure you make the right choice. I also know that by terminating a life, can we justify our acts? By tampering with a life, aren't we acting against the creator of the world, and that Abortion can lead to serious health complications, and in some cases the worst-case scenario can be death. Who wants to see their child going through that much pain to carry a baby for nine months? At the end of the day, it's their decision and not yours if they want to get rid of the baby they have a right to do so without hearing what people has to say about them. Another thing is the mother must go through the actual labor pain and other issues involved with parenting and juggling responsibilities. Others can't precisely gauge or understand the level of trauma that a woman may be experiencing in her personal life. She is the only person who knows best, if she would be able to take care of the unplanned child or not. We all know that it's merely impossible to raise a child without family support and finance in hand, the life of the baby depends upon the mother's health. I will say this is it is up to that person to deiced what they want to do because if it was me I would agree to have one only if you are at an early age and you don't know the first thing about being a parent. As previously stated, it is up to the woman to decide to abort the pregnancy, give birth to the child then place it up for adoption, the choice is theirs. For each of these women I pray that they think, consult, and really look at their options before making their final decision. The consequences can be costly – health, physical and emotional. ReferencesA Preferred Women's Health Center. Retrieved from /abortion ¬Ã‚ ¬_pill/Choose Adoption or Abortion – Facts and Stats. Retrieved from adoption-for-my-baby.comThe Pros and Cons of Abortion. Retrieved from abortion.html Abortion Abortion is the termination of a pregnancy. If a woman falls pregnant and does not wish to go through with the pregnancy then she might choose to have an abortion. Abortion is a moral issue which people have many different feelings towards. Some people say it is okay to abort a baby but other individuals are strongly against it and consider abortions as murder. Sometimes people are against it because they believe it is wrong but some are against it because of their religion, their background and the way they were brought up.People who are for abortions may have experienced one previously and think it is okay in certain circumstances. They may also know of a friend or relative who has had an abortion and realised that it was for the best. In this essay I will be discussing the arguments for and against abortion. Some people are against abortion because they think women use it as a type of contraception and use the service far too often. They believe women should be more careful and us e contraception methods that are easily available to them rather than taking the abortion service for granted.This means that women can decide if they are ready for a child and stop using the contraception. This gives women a sense of control within their bodies. Taking the abortion service for granted if wrong and unfair on the women who are physically unable to have children for certain medical reasons. Some women who are unable to have children, and will adopt in the future if they wish to have a child, think it is very unfair that many women are aborting their babies simply because they decided they don’t want it.Abortions were made legal so women had the right to choose weather they want to have a child or not. Women can choose what happens with their body. Hinduism is generally against abortion apart from when the mothers life is at risk. Traditional Hinduism and many modern Hindus also see abortion as going against the duty of them to produce children in order to conti nue the family and produce new members of society. However, the Church of England encourages people to think through the issue of abortion very carefully and ecognises that each individual will have different views of abortion. They understand that under some circumstances abortion is considered as ‘ok’. Some of the reasons for abortion is that nearly all abortions take place in the first stages of pregnancy, when a foetus cannot exist without the mother. As it is attached by the placenta and umbilical cord, its health is completely dependant on the mothers health, and cannot be regarded as a separate person as it cannot exist outside her womb.Another reason is that teenagers who become mothers have grim prospects for the future. They are much more likely to leave school; receive inadequate parental care; rely on public assistance to raise a child; develop health problems; or end up divorced. If a teenager was to fall pregnant then a good option for them would be aborti on. It would not be fair to bring a child into this world if the mother would be unable to support a family.I am for abortions, I think they are very suitable if the person has a good enough reason. I also definitely agree with abortion when it comes to rape. I think that if a woman is raped she should have the option to destroy the child. I understand that this would be very hard to determine, but I think it would be the best way to handle the situation. A woman has the right to do what she wants with her body and should be able to choose weather or not she wants a baby, therefore I am for abortion. . Abortion This paper encapsulates the general ideas surrounding the controversial topic of abortion. The paper displays the views of the members of my community . The mall idea of the paper Is centrally relevant to the topic of how abortion affects relationships; the causes and their effects. Abortion is a common practice among the women of today's society. Though many pro -life activists argue that it is murder, many women feel it is their right to make decisions that will affect their bodies.By definition, the term abortion refers to the premature termination of pregnancy by induced expulsion of a nonviable fetus from he uterus. Living in a community where there are several forms of relationship made it easy to conduct the research as couples were eager to assist me In determining the methods that should be used to reduce the practice. Problem Statement: Survey abortion and how It affects relationships. Research Questions: a) How does abortion affect partners in a relationship? B) What are t he effects of having an abortion? ) To what extent do people support the legalization of abortion? D) How does the church and wider society view the issue of abortion? E) What are the underlying causes why people perform abortions? Method of Research This research was completed with the lad of a self drafted questionnaire. The questionnaire was attempted by 30 members of my community. The results of the questionnaire were then documented and the results put into the required portions of this paper. Observations compiled from interviews with another set of participants are also documented and displayed in the research.There were several precautions I took to ensure the accuracy of the data I would be collecting: a) The questionnaire was succinct and took between 10 – 15 minutes to be completed b) I promised anonymity to the participants. ) The questions were drafted so that the participant could display much candor and Integrity In their responses. Instruments used to Gather D ata Topic: A survey on abortion and how it affects relationships. Dear Resident: This letter is an introduction to a questionnaire which I am seeking your assistance to complete. The questionnaire is requiring that you help me determine the effects of an abortion on a relationship.Answers will be held in anonymity therefore I do not require that you submit your name. I kindly implore that you provide your most honest opinion, because the results of these questionnaires will be submitted in School Based Assessment. Your time and patience is sincerely appreciated. Sincerely yours, Shellac Questionnaire Aim: To determine your views on the issue of abortion, specifically the effects it has on relationships. Information provided is strictly confidential so please do not submit your name. Instructions: Complete all questions in your most honest opinion. Abortion? Abortion? With being a woman come a great responsibility, the responsibility of motherhood. The role women have as mothers in society is substantial and dangerous. The choice of being a mother is not a choice that is in full power of the woman, this choice is shared with men. Throughout history the debate over abortion has not reached a definite decision regarding its legitimacy. The choice in giving birth to a child is no choice for many if not most women in America.The Right to choose to have a child has been taken away from women as individuals and has been placed at the hand of the population at large. Wether abortion is right or wrong it is an option not accessible to many women and therefore deprives them from having a full sense of freedom. Women cannot share the right to choose to give birth or not with a crowd in which most of it’s participants (men) can’t assimilate the responsibility and sacrifice childcare requires. As mothers, women are the only ones to suf fer full mental and physical hardship the choice of childbirth brings.If this is the case, how is it that both men and women hold equal rights on the legal standing of abortion? Abortion is a choice, whom only affects women physically and therefore should only be a choice taken by the woman. Besides the physical implications pregnancy brings, the mother as well has a responsibility in the future of that fetus. This is where, the access to abortion becomes crucial. If a woman chooses to have an abortion she and the fetus are the only ones affected. Abortion isn’t a choice that is taken lightly by women, women seek abortion as means of a last resort.Usually when abortion is chosen it is due to the fact that the supposed mother has concluded that the life of the fetus if bourn will not be adequate and it is not guaranteed the safety and well being of the child in the future. If the option of abortion is taken from women it poses a large issue, according to the European Journal o f Social Sciences â€Å"When an adult, either a woman or a man, states that they are not ready or interested in having a child, it might have a disproportionate future implication.There are several cases of depression, drug and alcohol abuse, self-mutilation, psychosis, and finally suicide, among people who know they were unwanted babies. Several parents even say that openly to their children, causing disproportional trauma and an eternal feeling of not belonging and poor self-esteem. † Un wanted pregnancies can have lots of negative outcomes, more often involving the future of the child. The right to choose to have a child or not is slowly slipping away from the hands of women.In the debate over abortion there are two opposing stand points, which are pro-choice and pro-life. Pro-choice is a stand point that advocates abortion and is pushing for a abortion to become legal in all states. Pro-choice argues that when abortion is illegal women cannot experience full freedom. Abor tion, provides an option to women who’s life of their own and of their offspring is not fully guaranteed to work out, to instead not have an unwanted child and save the mother from then having to give that child up, saving the child from an unknown future.As well, it saves the mother from and the child if it comes from an unwanted pregnancy from having to abruptly change her life to respond to the child, which in most cases forces young teens of school and thus not letting them progress in life individually and for the child. The child then also suffers from not having the full parental support and attention since the parent is either unfit or unable to provide this care.Pro-choice not only focuses on the choice women deserve as birth givers to choose whether they are capable of performing the required task and from taking the responsibility of bringing new life into the world, they also advocate for women’s reproductive rights at a large overview. In the concerns rega rding politics and abortion, abortion is not the only issue women face. Besides the threat of their right to choose abortion or not, being fully annihilated, they also face the threat of have proper reproductive healthcare.Most States in which abortion is illegal, they as well do not offer proper reproductive healthcare and prenatal care facilities that can be accessible to all social classes. The lack of reproductive healthcare, prenatal care and advisement leads to the same concurring issue of an over produced number of unwanted or unplanned pregnancies. The opposing view point to pro-choice is pro-life, which advocates for the criminalization of abortion in all states. The pro-life stand point is one that can be divided in to two points of view, one taking its view from a moral perspective and the other one initiating it’s view from a religious tand. Although this two perspectives can often times be one in the same, it is best to disregard the religious point of view, sinc e it is bias do to the fact that it bases it’s opinions in tradition and the fact that it responds to a non physically existent being. In the European Journal of Social Sciences, it is stated that abortion is a selfish act only centered around the mother as an individual. Pro-life supporters main argument is that abortion is like murder, killing an unborn baby is the same a killing one that is already born.Ironically many pro-life supporters also approve of war, this creates an ethical contradiction to their original beliefs against abortion. Pro-life supporters who advocate against abortion but at the same time support war present a rather hypocritical view point. They see abortion as murder but they do not see war the same way. If any thing war causes more fatalities than abortion. Pro-life supporters who are truly pro-life consider war and abortion the same way, both as wrongful acts of humanity.True pro-life supporters have the shared belief that all life is sacred and th at when it comes to the issue of abortion, the argument is that life begins at conception. In the continuing resistance between pro-choice and pro-life, the question of when does life start is the major counter point in this opposing view points. As stated before pro-life argues that life begins at conception, in the other hand the opposing view point of pro-choice, relies on fertile viability. Pro-life has present the argument that life begins at conception because it is only within a few weeks that the embryo develops a beating heart.On the contrary, pro-choice argues that the embryo cannot be consider life or an individual until it can sustain its own life, this happens when the embryo reaches the first trimester. At the first trimester the embryo begins to support it’s own life and is therefor not considered a part of the mother any longer. Pro-choice supporters believe that up until the first trimester, women should obtain the right to choose whether they want to continu e with their pregnancy or if they choose to terminate it. What can truly be considered the starting point of life can only be determined by the individual.Both sides pro-choice and pro-life are neither right or wrong, it is a dilemma with too many factors involved to reach a conclusion. The answer to wether abortion is morally incorrect can’t be answered, do to the fact that morality is an individual perception. One argument that can be conclude is wether abortion should be legal or not. Passing all other factors in the argument of abortion, the legal matter is that legal abortion is a choice it is not a forceful act upon which all women must abide by but illegal abortion limits women’s rights as mothers and all women must abide by it.The standing the United States has on abortion is one that is not fully pro-choice or pro-life, according to the Women’s Choice and Reproductive Health Protection Act of 1995 â€Å"The 1973 Supreme Court decision in Roe v. Wade es tablished constitutionally based limits on the power of States to restrict the right of a woman to choose to terminate a pregnancy. Under the strict  scrutiny standard enunciated in Roe v. Wade, States were required to demonstrate that laws restricting the right of a woman to choose to terminate a pregnancy were the least restrictive means available to achieve a compelling State interest.Since 1989, the Supreme Court has no longer applied the strict scrutiny standard in reviewing challenges to the constitutionality of State laws restricting such rights. † The nations political standing on abortion is one that only presents problems rather than any benefits to both opposing parties. Do to the fact that abortion and reproductive health rights are decided by the states rather than the federal government, has caused many states to deprive women from any abortion or reproductive health care rights such as various forms of contraception. This legal standing has also brought up a c onflict among states.The Women’s Choice and Reproductive Health Protection Act of 1995 also informs that â€Å"restrictions operate cumulatively to increase the number of illegal or  medically less safe abortions, often resulting in physical impairment, loss of reproductive capacity or death to the women involved burden interstate commerce by forcing women to travel from States in which legal barriers render contraception or abortion unavailable or unsafe to other States or foreign nations interfere with freedom of travel between and among the various States burden the medical and economic resources of States that continue to provide women with access to safe and legal abortion; and interfere with the ability of medical professionals to provide health services; obstruct access to and use of contraceptive and other medical techniques that are part of interstate and international commerce; discriminate between women who are able to afford interstate and international travel and women who are not, a disproportionate number of whom belong to racial or ethnic minorities; and infringe upon women’s ability to exercise full enjoyment of rights secured to them by Federal and State law, both statutory and constitutional. † All the issues that come with the legal standing of abortion can only and need to be compromised at a federal level. No state should have individual rules for an issue that is nation wide and of top national concern.This disagreements can only be broken through a middle ground, both pro-choice and pro-life have a good opinion, but in the case of the argument of pro-choice which wins over pro-life, is that you can’t implant one persons moral ethics to another. Moral ethics come from an individual point of view and should only be addressed individually, like in the case of abortion, abortion is a one side choice which only affects one person and that person only, the woman. Therefore, the woman should be ultimate keeper in the choice of what she is able to accomplish physical and mentally. Works Cited The Women’s Choice and Reproductive Health Protection Act of 1995.In the House of Representatives. Smith, Andrea. â€Å"Beyond Pro-Choice versus Pro-Life: Women of Color and Reproductive Justice. † NWSA Journal 17 (2005): 119-140 Berer, Marge. â€Å"Whatever Happened to ‘A Woman's Right to Choose'? † Feminist Review 29 (1988): 24-37 Lopez, Raquel. â€Å"Perspectives on Abortion: Pro-Choice, Pro-Life, and What Lies in between. † European Journal of Social Sciences 27 (2012): 511-517 Sweet, Ellen. â€Å"REPRODUCTIVE RIGHTS AND THE SUPREME COURT: WHEN ‘ACTIVISM† GOES WRONG† Women’s Studies Quarterly 35 (2007): 338-343 Lieberman, Alice. , Davis, Liane V. â€Å"The Role of Social Work in the Defense of Reproductive Rights. † Social Work 37 (1992): 365-370 Abortion This paper encapsulates the general ideas surrounding the controversial topic of abortion. The paper displays the views of the members of my community . The mall idea of the paper Is centrally relevant to the topic of how abortion affects relationships; the causes and their effects. Abortion is a common practice among the women of today's society. Though many pro -life activists argue that it is murder, many women feel it is their right to make decisions that will affect their bodies.By definition, the term abortion refers to the premature termination of pregnancy by induced expulsion of a nonviable fetus from he uterus. Living in a community where there are several forms of relationship made it easy to conduct the research as couples were eager to assist me In determining the methods that should be used to reduce the practice. Problem Statement: Survey abortion and how It affects relationships. Research Questions: a) How does abortion affect partners in a relationship? B) What are t he effects of having an abortion? ) To what extent do people support the legalization of abortion? D) How does the church and wider society view the issue of abortion? E) What are the underlying causes why people perform abortions? Method of Research This research was completed with the lad of a self drafted questionnaire. The questionnaire was attempted by 30 members of my community. The results of the questionnaire were then documented and the results put into the required portions of this paper. Observations compiled from interviews with another set of participants are also documented and displayed in the research.There were several precautions I took to ensure the accuracy of the data I would be collecting: a) The questionnaire was succinct and took between 10 – 15 minutes to be completed b) I promised anonymity to the participants. ) The questions were drafted so that the participant could display much candor and Integrity In their responses. Instruments used to Gather D ata Topic: A survey on abortion and how it affects relationships. Dear Resident: This letter is an introduction to a questionnaire which I am seeking your assistance to complete. The questionnaire is requiring that you help me determine the effects of an abortion on a relationship.Answers will be held in anonymity therefore I do not require that you submit your name. I kindly implore that you provide your most honest opinion, because the results of these questionnaires will be submitted in School Based Assessment. Your time and patience is sincerely appreciated. Sincerely yours, Shellac Questionnaire Aim: To determine your views on the issue of abortion, specifically the effects it has on relationships. Information provided is strictly confidential so please do not submit your name. Instructions: Complete all questions in your most honest opinion. Abortion This paper encapsulates the general ideas surrounding the controversial topic of abortion. The paper displays the views of the members of my community . The mall idea of the paper Is centrally relevant to the topic of how abortion affects relationships; the causes and their effects. Abortion is a common practice among the women of today's society. Though many pro -life activists argue that it is murder, many women feel it is their right to make decisions that will affect their bodies.By definition, the term abortion refers to the premature termination of pregnancy by induced expulsion of a nonviable fetus from he uterus. Living in a community where there are several forms of relationship made it easy to conduct the research as couples were eager to assist me In determining the methods that should be used to reduce the practice. Problem Statement: Survey abortion and how It affects relationships. Research Questions: a) How does abortion affect partners in a relationship? B) What are t he effects of having an abortion? ) To what extent do people support the legalization of abortion? D) How does the church and wider society view the issue of abortion? E) What are the underlying causes why people perform abortions? Method of Research This research was completed with the lad of a self drafted questionnaire. The questionnaire was attempted by 30 members of my community. The results of the questionnaire were then documented and the results put into the required portions of this paper. Observations compiled from interviews with another set of participants are also documented and displayed in the research.There were several precautions I took to ensure the accuracy of the data I would be collecting: a) The questionnaire was succinct and took between 10 – 15 minutes to be completed b) I promised anonymity to the participants. ) The questions were drafted so that the participant could display much candor and Integrity In their responses. Instruments used to Gather D ata Topic: A survey on abortion and how it affects relationships. Dear Resident: This letter is an introduction to a questionnaire which I am seeking your assistance to complete. The questionnaire is requiring that you help me determine the effects of an abortion on a relationship.Answers will be held in anonymity therefore I do not require that you submit your name. I kindly implore that you provide your most honest opinion, because the results of these questionnaires will be submitted in School Based Assessment. Your time and patience is sincerely appreciated. Sincerely yours, Shellac Questionnaire Aim: To determine your views on the issue of abortion, specifically the effects it has on relationships. Information provided is strictly confidential so please do not submit your name. Instructions: Complete all questions in your most honest opinion.